Intel Section Re-odd: AI strategy determines the future of each business outcome

A few days ago, at the Deal Times conference in New York Times, I said that every company should formulate an artificial intelligence strategy without delay. As the digital revolution accelerates, data is getting more, more complex, and more diverse, companies must make critical decisions quickly. In order to manage digital floods, companies need artificial intelligence strategy, otherwise they will lag behind the times.

Massive, complex data available exceeds the capacity of human analysts. Without the help of machines, it is increasingly difficult to make effective use of the data, and the machine not only processes the data but learns from it.

Artificial Intelligence enables organizations to manage complex data and provide unprecedented opportunities for organizations to make real-time decisions, manage operations dynamically and respond to customers.

This is not just about predicting the future. From banks to the healthcare industry, from manufacturing to consumer services, companies around the world have begun to use artificial intelligence to analyze data and build learning organizations to adapt and compete at unprecedented speeds. E.g:

The Bank of New Zealand has come up with a new brand vision, “Your Bank,” that focuses more on its customers. One way to achieve this is to harness artificial intelligence to reshape and re-invent a more personalized customer experience.

Sharp Medical is using artificial intelligence to screen patients’ electronic medical records for many years to predict which patients are at risk of sudden deterioration, with an accuracy rate of 80%. This model predicts whether the Rapid Response Team will need to be invoked for the next hour, allowing Sharp to intelligently deploy medical emergency teams to critical locations in hospitals to intervene before life-threatening events occur .

Fero Labs is harnessing artificial intelligence to help manufacturers increase industrial output, prevent costly machine failures and reduce waste, all of which help improve product quality and reduce costs.

Amazon Cloud Services (AWS) is providing customers with machine learning services to help them develop smart applications. It allows organizations such as Zillow to estimate the value of more than 110 million homes with high accuracy and enables Netflix to create personalized program recommendations for its 100 million users.

Companies are using the Artificial Intelligence platform for exciting innovations, just a few of these. Enterprises want to use artificial intelligence to win the future, they should follow four key guidelines:

1. Understand what data is being collected and what data can be collected by the latest intelligent interconnect technology

2. Deploy the infrastructure to consolidate the data and know how to analyze the data

3. Determine where to invest in artificial intelligence to help learn from the data

4. The world in which AI is supporting and assisting real-time decision-making is coming and training is needed to prepare executives

At Intel, we are committed to making artificial intelligence an important part of our product portfolio. The same technology that can solve our internal business challenges can also help our customers. Examples of AI-optimized solutions include: plant processes, strategic planning, IT data center operations, and more. There are numerous application cases, and as such, Intel Capital also sees artificial intelligence as one of the strategic criteria for choosing an investment project.

To this end, Intel provides a complete set of artificial intelligence products, including software and hardware, can be applied to almost every conceivable case. By providing a flexible and scalable solution across business scenarios, we lead the integration of AI with business operations. The most forward-looking companies are already gaining competitive advantage through artificial intelligence. Looking to the future, artificial intelligence strategy will no longer be dispensable, it will become a business survival conditions.

Companies need to immediately develop and implement their own artificial intelligence strategy, to win the future.

OEMSemi is a global leading independent distributor for hard to find and obsolete electronic components and ICs in a wide range of fields

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