Microsoft to spend big price research and development of quantum computers and Google IBM contention

According to the New York Times, Microsoft is spending a lot of money and resources to study quantum computers.

A quantum computer is a physical device that follows the laws of quantum mechanics and performs high-speed computation, storage and processing of quantum information. Because it uses overlapping quantum units of bits, allowing the data to be 0 and 1 at the same time, so it is also very obvious advantages: processing speed amazing, billions of times faster than traditional computers. Lei Feng network done a lot of detailed science reports, not much to say here.

However, people see the quantum computer, often only exists in science fiction. With the continuous development of science and technology, it is a step by step toward our lives. Lei Feng network has reported the emergence of the world’s first quantum computer bridge, and if the future quantum computer can be widely put into use, many industries will be subverted, such as pharmacology, artificial intelligence. rk73z1ettp

Microsoft believes that the company from the “development of basic quantum building block” goal is close enough, the company’s engineering manager Todd Holmdahl said, “At present, Microsoft has been able to design basic quantum bit component unit, do a good job to develop a complete quantum Computer preparation. ”

Researchers are faced with the challenge of developing quantum computers that can actually be put into use, and Microsoft’s approach to entry is somewhat different from that of its rivals. The company’s approach is based on “anyons”. An arbitrary child is a particle in 2D that can be used to construct a supercomputer’s modules and to excite the physical properties of subatomic atoms.

Is it possible to have a quantum computer perform a practical calculation? Physicists and computer scientists are debating this issue. In some research projects, researchers have tried to create quantums with different materials. Microsoft chose topological quantum computing. Three scientists this year won the Nobel Prize in physics, they believe that particles may be able to 2D form, and Microsoft’s approach is based on this as the basis.

“The combination of semiconductors and superconductors is our secret,” says the R & D team. Microsoft has recently made substantial progress in controlling materials that can be used to form qubits, which are very close to the goal of keeping quantum computing temperatures at absolute zero. h5gq2h24mfr-t2c

In fact, as early as 2005, Microsoft has begun to study quantum computing technology. At that time Microsoft also quietly set up a “Station Q” laboratory, is responsible for digital home Michael Freedman. Now Microsoft is determined to jump out of pure academic research, plans to spend huge resources development of quantum computer prototype products, and IBM and Google and other technology giants together this piece.

However, the current number of algorithms to go beyond the number of computers is still relatively small. From the early Shor “s algorithm we may see a glimmer of hope that future quantum computing can be used to break the crypto-ness. Once this research is achieved, not only will the entire physical world undergo drastic changes in people’s lives We will be able to speed up the search through the quantum computer database, the implementation of machine learning algorithm.This will become the computer vision and speech recognition technology, a major positive for the future of electronic commerce will be a breakthrough, .

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